Monday, November 12, 2007


for my mum. She had a fall on Sat which triggered shingles/herpes happening on her head, affecting her eyes. It's difficult for a 68 year old to go through the pain and if she contracts pneumonia during this time, it'll be really difficult. She needs all the calamine lotion (for itch) and bicarbonate soda (for bath) and food to get her through these 2 weeks. Her pain could be prolonged due to her age and her eyesight will be affected. Apparently, her falls could have been due to the virus in her as it causes imbalance, but not sure.

Know that God will take care of her better than I will. I've to learn to trust Him as she goes through her illness without me for the first time. We should really be dependent on the Lord who sustains us. Friend was saying to me recently that when we're sick, it's actually the norm base on the fallenness of this world, and when we're well, we should thank God for giving us our health. But yet, we forget our Creator God when everything is going well.

Have to keep doing His good work and prepare for my 20min practice talk on Colossians this Fri. Praying I won't be distracted and able to put down words to teach the passage correctly. Depending wholely on the Holy Spirit, doing it's work in my heart to make me Christ-like.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

God's creation power...

...amazing stuff!

Evangelism topic was mentioned at student event "Only One Life" at All Soul's and also the CTC's women's stream "Evangelism with Women" session, and both brought to mind 2 Corinthians 4:1-6.

For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.

What struck me is verse 6...God's creation power in Genesis 1:3 converted us, made our blind eyes see! Not our own claims of exercising our belief, but God's work totally. Left to ourselves, we will never want to believe, which some will debate that there is good in us such that we'll want to believe, but there isn't. All our being rejects God. If it wasn't his work to open our eyes & minds to see Jesus, we'll never be saved. Amazing stuff! Mind blowing!

Sunrise - a rough illustration of what the word "glory" means. Something I'd asked DJ about what picture would give a similiar idea of the blibical word "glory". He said sunrise would be good. My original amateur picture was crown jewels covered then unveiled. Sunrise is much better! Light shining out of darkness.