Thursday, March 24, 2011

"What would comfort me is...

if you thought of your own death and thought more about life and not leave it too late, but to investigate what is the truth." Is something I've always wanted to tell my non-believing friends. They hear of my Dad having stage 2 Rectum Cancer and say "I don't really know how to comfort you" and I'm thankful they said that which then I can ask them to reflect upon their own lives and such a great opportunity!

But really, the comfort it brings when my non-believing friends find out for themselves, investigate what is the truth about life on earth, and tell me what they have concluded. A comfort that at least they aren't just taking things for what it is, cruising through life and get a rude shock on their death bed....or never questioning, to just live in accumulation of things and not consider the salvation of their souls which could also save their loved ones around them. Instead of brushing it aside and say all the positive things to me while ignoring and hoping without any real certain hope that things will get better for me. And when it does not, what do they do? They get stuck and don't really know what to do. Worse case is that they just hope death will come sooner as a form of relief...nooooo....not when there's a real and living hope, and eternal life being offered!

May my non-believing friends want to find out if Jesus is for real, a fake or a lunatic. If he is for real, to heed what he says, because he is coming back again to set all things right in this messed up world of ours and to bring us back to God! That's a real living hope because Jesus is alive, he conquered death to give us eternal life...O, how my soul is comforted by our great God who created us whether or not you believe!

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