Monday, October 10, 2005

Have to think through...

what is the purpose of my blog. Since I had a blog, I've been "advertising" to friends that I have one too, hoping to get them excited about my blog. Hahaha! Am I becoming a 7 year old again? Or is it just a wee-bit of pride of participating in the "in" thing? But really, I was curious about my friend's blog location, going around identifying blog with blogger, etc. And I didn't understand the mystery of remaining unknown, disassociated with one's blog. Friend explained about the hoo-haas amongst groups of friends and the "fame" which came with it *I could understand that* and how the "fame" could focus on the blogger and not our Creator. Agree to some extent, but, it's the same with our speech/action/life, isn't it?

I did have one conclusion - that with blogs, friends read it and know about what's happening in your thoughts, but it sometimes eliminate quality time spent together, as though assuming that through reading one's blog, we have already done so. Oops! Am I repeating myself? My sis can attest that I'm not a word person, more numbers, hence you could expect point forms or in this case, bad formation of words or jumping from one thought to another, like now. *grin*

Ok, I've to check on the one who gave birth to me, health-wise.

*mumblymumbly continues to ponder...*

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