Sunday, September 23, 2007

thursdays and fridays...

Met another group of Cornhillers...all in their 2nd year at Proclamation Trust.



A student did an exposition on John 13:1-5. Aim of expositions is to open up the meaning of the passage, but not to preach it to the class. It's a public exposition of a bible text, not a short sermon, camp or youth group talk. You're given 7 mins, disciplined in focussing on central theme of text in context, no time for illustrations and 7mins doesn't include prayer before and after, and it doesn't include reading of the passage.

BTW, they start on time! which i'm trying to get used to. I think it's great since I always think people should be on time for any meeting/appointments. But strangely, it feels pressurising when the whole group keeps time, though I see the difference between the 1st years and 2nd years. 1st years are more punctual, while 2nd years seem to be a more relaxed group since they had been through 1 year of Cornhill already.

After exposition, we usually break off to pray for an ex-Cornhill student and amongst our 2 or 3s. Quite amazing and such a blessing to be amongst people who simply and have only our Lord to rely on for their lives!

Once again, a PT staff came to explain the new library system which has been computerised. Think MW will be surprised at how many changes has taken place, like computerised library system, bigger pantry, more seminar rooms, new carpet, power points on the floor just below desks, 2 round glass tables to have our pack lunch, etc. At least all the 2nd years were raving about the changes. More changes coming, ie, wireless LAN to send out notes wirelessly to students' laptops, etc.

I went to help out with barcoding library books on last Tue and got to know more people when I helped out on Thu.

SA started to explain how we could make better use of the preaching classes, in particular how to give feedback amongst ourselves. There was a skit by 2 students to simulate the scenarios which we needed to look out for, ie, give feedback on the bible text itself and not about the person, being sensitive to the preacher student, giving constructive feedback with specific improvement which could be taken into consideration, if nothing to say then don't say.



After student exposition, DJ came to talk about principles of exposition of the epistles. I've heard most of it when he came to S'pore last year to teach us tools of digging deeper into the bible. Found it interesting this time that he says we do have interpretation problems to be aware of and also what kind of lenses we use to read the bible, our background/culture/personal life/tradition/people who nurtured us/prior understanding of bible, can all affect our interpretation.

every translation = is an interpretation
scripture = human (individual styles, historic particularity) & divine (God's truth) = Lord Jesus (incarnation of scripture)
christians = founded in historic evidence

Another note I took down:
If God is God, he reveals himself to us (through His Word = bible).
If not, then he'll be smaller than your mind and what god is that?

events + explanation = revelation

DJ talked about exegesis (drawing out the meaning of text) and hermeneutics (significance of text)

Basically, it's the keep reading and reading and reading the text. Before teaching it, to read it 3 months beforehand to have had the time to ponder about it.

Interesting how DJ mentioned to be aware of boredom, where everything is about Jesus. It is, but not having it in a straight jacket, but to let it loose and preach the text. It was REALLY exciting when DJ gave an example of how it was done with 1 Peter and 1 Corinthians 1:1-3.

Also gave an estimation of preparation time for 25-30min talk, about 10 hours will be enough, lest if you prepare more, you'll want to give too much out.

DJ said you'll want to have a sermon that grabs people, otherwise won't nurture the congregation. One with application and relevance, because they'll have questions like "So what? How does it impact?". We're to make connections for people.

It was just exciting to hear him as he made the bible come alive! Reminds me of a korean-american sunday school teacher who made an impact in my life by bringing the bible to life during teenage years. What he taught, how he lived and parented his children was a big eye-opener for me.

It was also exciting as all the 2nd year Cornhill women gathered for free lunch provided by PT and met with 3 women teachers who had various minitries (youth & children, 20-30s women and older women).

CS shared from Ephesians 4:11-16 on what ministry is about. Out of 3 teachers, only 1 teacher has gone through Cornhill Training course.

Thereafter, the history of how the Women's Ministry stream came about was mentioned. It's so exciting, because they are going to discuss and help women think through blibically our role as women in the ministry. It's a 10 week course covering Biblical manhood & womanhood, ministry issues which women might face, pastoral issues, teaching workshops. Imagine we get a chance to think about the possible scenarios we'll be in and get to think it through blibically before it happens to us! It's just an answer to my prayer! All the women will want to complement the men in their ministry and be good helpers, yet recognising our role as women which God has given.

I'm surely looking forward to my Friday afternoons!!


James & Maria Kerr said...

Hey Joy, am so *envious* - wished I could be there! But at the same time, am very !HAPPY! that you are there! sounds like you are learning heaps & getting to know people & see models etc, cool!

mumbly mumbly said...

i wish all of you, my dear friends, could be with me at the course and learning/serving his people here!!! hehe