Wednesday, January 02, 2008

So precious is God's family...

just like our own family whether married or single. Singles do still have family which seems to be lost in conversations sometimes =) So nice to hear "how's your mom?".

Being in God's family, being able to pray for each other though physically distant from each other and our Almighty God hears us no matter where we are. That strangers can think of each other and ask God to protect them, to build them up in a Christ-like manner, and when we meet, we're like brothers and sisters cos we believe in Christ who saved us. This must sound strange to a non-believer. And the individual who's prayed for is supported by prayer and knows it, and strives onwards, trusting in God who gives us life and sustains us, and knows our every need and provides us with all we need, not want, according to His good purposes, working it all in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amazing how God designed our relationships!

Thank you to all who heard about my mom and prayed for her & me during this time. As her shingles attacked her brain nerves, it might be that she'll have to learn to cope with constant pain for the long term, though thankfully her sharp pains aren't happening every second. She's also thankful that God had mercy on her and she's learning to trust Him.

THANK YOU to all who helped me to look out and look after her, amidst your own family responsibilities (like coping with a 6 month old baby) or illness!! It really means alot to me! Showed me visually and practically what being in God's family means, sharing and bearing each other's burdens, going out of the way when we're able to, only because you all know how God demonstrated his love to you through Christ dying on your behalf, on the cross.

May we all consider how we live our lives daily, to number our days aright because we know what is at the end (Jesus' return!).

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