Monday, September 08, 2008

so many plans...

so much to do...lots to dependent on God to continue his work in my heart, ie, heart surgery =)

Many have asked me what are my plans since coming's a snippet...
- helping out at a youth camp in Dec 08, preparing a bible talk on 'money'
- maybe facilitate a gobbet group
- christmas evangelistic talk at my church's children's church (7-12 years old) where the week after it climaxes with a christmas party
- sessions with small group of girls (3-4), blibical womanhood, christian & work, DJ's DVDs on how to teach OT/NT, sharing of what I'd learnt in Cornhill, etc
- meeting up with girls one-to-one to read the bible
- christmas party for non-christian friends where the youtube clip below will be shown (thanks to N's blog where I chanced upon it) with a 5min talk to contextualise it locally, and food cooked by a friend who's a really good cook *slurp*, who will also bring her non-christian friend

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