Monday, February 02, 2009

those who plan for their own funeral...

is it morbid? is it positive thinking? why do it? why worry about it? so bizarre!

But what about planning for retirement? Isn't that the same?

For those in Singapore, at CPF (Central Provident Fund), we still need to always come back to the question of whom to nominate to inherit our CPF $ when we die. If we get married, we again need to revisit the nominee question again. So if that's the case, seeing death around us, not really that morbid, right? Why then do people around me cringe and think i'm weird when I say that I've thought of what songs to be sung at my funeral?

Health forms

I've yet to think which passage for my funeral where all will hear and want to come to know the Lord Jesus. Hey, maybe the best is to just give out free bibles to all at my funeral since the whole of God's word echoes of him who came to reconcile us back to Him, giving us an eternal hope of his return to set all things right in this world He created which is ruined by our rebellion against him? Haha! Free bibles at a funeral, I can feel those eyebrows around me being raised yet again.

1 comment:

Lee Peng said...

Free bibles at our own funeral... great idea! We should even autograph it with a personal message.