Monday, August 31, 2009

Creator God

whom people say did not create them, but it's their father and mother who created them. Something my colleague said - about parents creating her - as a health topic came up between us, due to a month long pain in my neck and back. Probably also embedded in chinese culture where alot is attributed to parents who gave them life and even after parents pass away, prayers are said infront of parents' urns, and a huge respect goes to ancestor worship because without them we won't be here. But, is it really the case where it is really bad/disrespectful if there is no ancestor worship (not referring to respect for parents)? Is it really disobedient then to not give parents credit for giving us life (not referring to parents bringing us up painstakingly)? What about abortions? Those who didn't actually want to have children, be it for adults or teenagers, but decided on ending life. Are we really true life givers, creators of life? As long as we want to and in our ability, we can create life? Are we really the ones who can fuse cells together to create life? I wonder, I really wonder, so many things to consider in totality. We're not really in control, even if it seems what we do does give us a sense that we are, and indeed God did give us rule over creation. Yet given other situations, we realise we can't and what do we do then? How do we explain it when we can't?

And, what about married couples who can't have children, isn't that evidence that humans can't create life?

If illness takes over, why people don't turn to God who created/made them and rely on Him and not on themselves? Would they consider? if not, why not?

Would people just take a wee bit of their time to hear what God has to say, from his Word, and not assume that we know him? Its abit like hearing from the horse's mouth, if only a chance was given.

Truly, only the Lord opens blind eyes and stubborn hearts like mine.

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