Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Relationships at work

should it be really separate from personal relationships? It's all about human relationships and how we relate with each other whether it be work or personal stuff, right?

If only people could give each other benefit of the doubt
If only people could just give a listening ear to the other person
If only people could gossip less and find out from the source and keep confidentiality
If only people didn't become mini-gods of their own lives
If only people didn't keep thinking about themselves and think everyone's out to harm them
If only people could turn and repent before God whom they have pushed away, ignored, pretend he isn't there

God our Creator will still be God the Creator of all, whether he's recognised or not! Amazing as that is, only one thing for us to do...pursue what is the truth about our world and conclude that only the Lord is the true and living God.

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