is similar to the generic term of a Living Will, and in Australia according to my sister, there's also a different terminology. Hence, here I go finding out what the Singapore law states which is similar to it. Basically if I'm brain dead or terminally ill or in coma, I don't want to be resuscitated by artificial means just because medical bills are very high nowadays and it'll be a burden on my parents and sister.
Advance Medical Directive (AMD) by Ministry of Health (MOH) - have submitted it, so no resuscitation, just naturally die off. Although if I'm left to myself and I have cough/phlegm, urine infection, the doctors will treat me. My handsome neighbourhood doctor, Dr Eugene Lim, has gone through it in detail, as in the circumstances I'll be in and what doctors will do, and he will sign it with a second witness (possibly his nurse), and off it goes to be registered. It will only take effect when it has been registered, so have to wait for a month later, then will receive acknowledgement of receipt from AMD people. Dr Lim said sometimes it's a grey area for doctors on what to treat sometimes. But hey, it's alright, all under God's hands, as we pray for wisdom for the doctors, whoever we may be under. And though we may have these plans, God's plans will be first & foremost, and it's wonderful to be under such a great God who initiated a relationship with us, his creation.
Human Organ Transplant Act (HOTA) - 4 organs are donated upon death, all Singaporeans are included and hence I'm happy to be auto-included. So, no action needed from me.
If all organs to be donated, then check out
The Medical (Therapy, Education and Research) Act (MTERA). Need 2 witnesses, can be family or friends. Will be asking 2 church friends to help be my witnesses and so at least 2 persons in church family are aware of what I've signed up for.
So, dear relatives and friends, just for you to know, although my family should know what to do.
Me who is of sound mind =)
Basically, after death, I'll be back to my eternal home with Jesus, and waiting for the rest of you who also believe in Jesus and hoping/praying that the Lord has mercy on the rest of you who don't believe in Jesus. (John 3:36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him)
It's a wish of mine that a bible is given together with my organs to the person receiving my organs and to the lab scientists/researches doing their stuff on my organs, no need to write any name or whom the bible is from, but I think cannot. So my brothers & sisters-in-Christ, you just give away bibles to those who come to my funeral and who don't believe in Jesus, ok? Just cos God's word is eternal and will last more than my words which fail. (1 Peter 1:24-25 ..."All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever." ...)
I don't really want any of my family and friends to talk about me during my funeral, since they won't even be able to say all the bad stuff about me and will only say the good stuff which isn't a true picture of me, a forgiven sinner. =) But the gospel/good news be preached by my pastor friend, for the sake of those who are living in this fallen world and Jesus be proclaimed to all my friends & family. Closure amongst my family and friends can be done in small groups lah, as they pray for their own family and friends who haven't yet believe in Jesus, as we look to Jesus' sure return! (1 Peter 3:18 For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, ...)